- Kognitive und sozial-emotionale Entwicklung
- Mentalisierung
- Sensibilität
- Bezugsperson-Kind-Interaktionen
- Interkulturelle Forschung
Monitoring Projekt Fachkräftegewinnung
Seit 01/2024 Wissenschaftliche Referentin, Staatsinstitut für Frühpädagogik und Medienkompetenz (IFP)
2023 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Projekt BeoKiz, Hochschule Düsseldorf-Fachhochschule Postdam
2017-2020 Koordinatorin der Abteilung für frühe Kindheit, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
2014-2018 Schulpsychologin, Bildungsministerium Chile
2010-2012 Koordinatorin für den Vorschul- und Grundschulbereich, Colegio Catolico Hna. Coralia Haydee Quiroz, El Salvador
2005-2009 Vorschullehrerin für Englisch, Colegio Catolico Hna. Coralia Haydee Quiroz, El Salvador
2016 Diplom in Förderung sicherer Bindungen, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
2012 Diplom in spezifischen Lernbehinderungen Aufmerksamkeit und Hyperaktivität
Mata, C., & Pauen, S. (2023). The role of socio-cultural background and child age for parental regulation strategies and children's self-regulation: A comparison between Germany, Chile, and El Salvador. Acta Psychologica, 234, 103871. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.103871
Gerber, D., Santelices, M., Gallardo, A. & Mata, C. (2022). Efecto de una Intervención Video-Feedback Grupal en Respuesta Sensible de Cuidadores de Residencias. Terapia Psicológica, 213-230. https://teps.cl/index.php/teps/article/view/442
Farkas, C., Gerber, D., Mata, C., & Santelices, M. (2020). Are children from different countries exposed to diverse emotions in storybooks? Comparative study between Chile and the US. Social Development, 29(4), 1134-1154. https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12443
Mata, C., Santelices, M. & Vergés, A. (2020) Do Educators Matter? Associations between Caregivers´ Mentalization and Preschoolers’ Attachment, Social Emotional Development and Theory of Mind. Early Child Development and Care. Doi 10.1080/03004430.2020.1755664
Santelices, M., Zapata, J., Fischersworring, M., Pérez, F., Mata, C., Barco, B., Olhaberry, M. & Farkas, C. (2016). Mentalization/reflective function-based interventions for parents and educators: a systematic review. Terapia Psicológica, 34(1), 71-80
Longitudinal changes in self- and co-regulatory behaviors displayed by parents and children during dyadic interactions: a microanalytic assessment. 13th BCCCD Annual Meeting am 01.23 in Budapest.
Using video-microanalysis for assessing regulation in parent-child dyads: a comparison between Germany and Chile. 26th ISSBD Biennial Meeting International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development am 06.22 in Rhodes.
From co-regulation to self-regulation in early childhood. 17th WAIMH Congress am 07.21 im virtuellen Format.
Self- and Co-regulation in Caregiver-Child dyads: a new Microanalytical Coding Scheme. SRCD Congress Society for Research in Child Development am 04.21 im virtuellen Format.
Parent and teacher mentalization: its predictive role in child development. V Congress of RIA am 11.28 in Montevideo.
Comparative analysis of parent and teacher mentalization and its predictive role in children's theory of mind. 13° Chilean Congress SPR am 08.18 in Reñaca.